Le terme carte- porcelaine se rapporte à la surface typique du support.
(en général blanc, et toujours d'aspect glacé)
Cartes originales illustrées du "Dentiste de Londres" du Dentiste F. Fay,
travaillant à Bruges & Gand et plus tard à Bruxelles (Belgique)
Magnifiques cartes de même sujet très bien dessinés aux traits très fins.
Très belle carte porcelaine en couleur
du Dentiste L.J.Schouls de Gand.
Litho de T. et D. Hemelsoet à Gand (± 1850)
Les 2 cartes, avec le même sujet,
montrent 2 dames avec et sans dents.
2 Cartes porcelaine
Belgique ±1840
Zéphyr, Fiske FAY
(1814 - 1889)
Dentiste de Londres
Il est l'auteur d'un ouvrage "Manuel à l'usage des gens du monde".
Les dents, leur éruption, leur entretien, leur remplacement (Bruxelles-1860)
L'auteur cite son père Cyrus FAY, qui reçut de la Société des Arts de Londres, en 1835, la grande médaille d'argent pour ses instruments personnels à l'usage des chirurgiens-dentistes.
Une lignée de Dentistes
La famille FAY
in "Chroniques Chirurgicales"
(Bruxelles - 1970)
Dr. Jonas FAY (1776-1835)
by Michele FitzGerald
December 29, 2002
Dr. Jonas FAY was the son of Stephen and Susan (Fiske) FAY of Bennington, Vermont. He was the namesake of his famous uncle, Dr. Jonas FAY (1736-1818) concerning the statehood of Vermont. He was Educated at Harvard University. Dr. Jonas came to Cazenovia after a group of Dutch bankers began to invest in the area as an industrial century because of it water sources in 1793/4. Cazenovia was 130 miles from Albany, New York. The town's first grist mill was built here in 1793-4 and a saw mill was opened in 1798. They were called the Prosperity Mills by the Establishment. In 1805 the mills were purchased from Lincklaen by Stephen and Jonas Fay. This complex of mills was called the Lake Mills which were rebuilt possibly by the good Doctor and brother to accommodate the inventions of manufacture of the time. They passed through several hands over the next several decades. He purchased considerable tracts of land at Cazenovia Village after it established in 1794 and over the course of his residency there . In 1810 he became the first president i.e. Mayor of Cazenovia Village with a population of 500 inhabitants. His brother, David Fay, served as a forester of the town. Dr. Jonas remained on the Cazenovia Town Road Books between 1805 and 1817.
He served as surgeon in the War of 1812 under the 2nd Regiment (aka Samuel Dutton’s Regiment) of the New York State Militia; the Daughters of the Revolution (DAR) recognize Dr. Jonas FAY as an American Patriot. Sadly, his wife, Rebecca, died in the same year, 1812.
Dr. Fay was for a time resident of the place, and owned the saw mill over the creek on Mill street. The Doctor was a ready, jovial man. One of his men wanted an order on some store to buy a hat. So he took a shingle and wrote on it with his pencil as follows:
"To any merchant, this or that
Let the bearer have a hat
And I will see you have your pay;
Your humble servant, Jonas Fay."